The Hype is Real

I can’t believe it. After 224 days close to 7 months and 12 days after their original announcement about classic wow they have finally given us an update.

Dev Watercooler: World of Warcraft Classic

They literally could have posted. “We are working on it and progress is going well” and I would have been satisfied. I’m not going to go over the post, its small enough to read. Basically they have several different builds around 1.12 they are working on and progress is happening.

I am actually kind of surprised they said anything I figured we wouldn’t hear a word until Blizzcon and the next expansion but I guess the PR reps were sick of getting questions about it who knows.

Hopefully we get a few more updates and don’t have to wait another 224 days but Blizz runs a pretty tight ship and their trademarked “when it's ready” is probably all we will hear until it really is time to release classic.

In other news…

What to role Hunter or Shaman?

Only a week away from Light's Hope's new server Northdale and I still can’t decided what to play. Horde or Alliance. If I go Alliance I am planning to run a Hunter main and Priest alt. If I go horde side I'll main a Shaman all the way. I really like the Shaman class it was the first class I got all the way to 60 back in the day.

The catch is I want to pvp. The Horde side is usually packed and BGs don’t pop as fast so I thought I should play alliance. Coupled with the easy leveling of a Hunter. I don’t have endless amounts of time. So Alliance is what I am leaning towards. Maybe if Blizzard ever figures out what their doing on Classic releases I will role Horde for sure. For now though Alliance Hunter it is. Either way it will be fun times.

Please meme responsibly.

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